Interview: Božo Skoko
Livingstone magazine
Introduction to the interview:
Believe in one and be oneself; have high goals, educate one-self and work hard, but at the same time be a good person and not think only of yourself. In that case eve God will be with you. These are the words with which my collocutor, Mr. Božo Skoko, PhD, concluded our conversation at the Zagreb Sheraton, but they undoubtedly deserve to be placed at the beginning of the story about this professor at the Faculty of the Political Science in Zagreb and one of the leading experts for public relations. He used to be a journalist and editor and he still holds an advisory post in one of the leading public relations agencies, "Millenium promocija", of which he was also one of the founders. He has advised many managers, political officials, corporations and institutions in Croatia and the surrounding countries, including also the Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia. Božo Skoko is the author of the first book dedicated to the identity and the image of Croatia "Croatia – identity, image and promotion", of the "Manual for understanding public relations", and the publication of the third book is imminent. He grew up in a picturesque place called Klobuk near Ljubuški, on the very border with Croatia, in a family that was not rich, but that has taught him to invest in himself, work hard and having respect for others (even if it is not mutual) he can realise his goals.