Božo Skoko

PhD Božo Skoko

Božo Skoko is an full professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, where he is head of the Public Relations postgraduate study. His scientific interests are: public relations and communications, international relations, national identity and image, as well as media. He is the co-founder of Millenium promocija, the leading Croatian public relations agency. He is a long-time strategic communications consultant. He is a former journalist and editor with Croatian Television. He is the author of seven books and over seventy scientific papers on public relations, the media and managing the identity and image of Croatia. He is a columnist with the daily newspaper Večernji list.
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Skoko - new department chairman

Božo Skoko Elected Chairman of Faculty of Political Science Journalism and Public Relations Department at the University of Zagreb

The Department for Journalism and Public Relations of the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb has unanimously elected Professor Božo Skoko, PhD as its new chairman.

Skoko is replacing Marijana Grbeša, PhD after her two successful years at the helm of the department, including the Journalism and Public Relations study programs.

Skoko is an associate professor at the Faculty where he holds a chair in Public Relations. As its founder, he also holds a chair in one of the most successful postgraduate specialist study programs – Public Relations.

The department expects that additional adjustment of the study program, strengthening of human resources and an advancement of scientific research take place during his term of office.

At the same time, Professor Gordana Vilović, PhD has been elected as the new chairperson of the graduate studies of journalism, replacing Professor Ivo Žanić, PhD.