Božo Skoko

PhD Božo Skoko

Božo Skoko is an full professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, where he is head of the Public Relations postgraduate study. His scientific interests are: public relations and communications, international relations, national identity and image, as well as media. He is the co-founder of Millenium promocija, the leading Croatian public relations agency. He is a long-time strategic communications consultant. He is a former journalist and editor with Croatian Television. He is the author of seven books and over seventy scientific papers on public relations, the media and managing the identity and image of Croatia. He is a columnist with the daily newspaper Večernji list.
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The University of Zagreb (1669) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. Ever since its foundation, the University has been continually growing and developing and now consits of 29 faculties, three art academies and the Centre for Croatian Studies. With its comprehensive programmes and over 50,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students the University is the strongest teaching institution in Croatia. It offers a wide range of academic degree courses leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees in the following fields: Arts, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Engineering, Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences. it is also a strongly research-oriented institution, contributing with over 50 percent to the total research output of the country.

The Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb was founded in 1962 as an institution of higher education within the University of Zagreb. It is the oldest political science educational and research institution in this part of Europe and the only study of political science in Croatia.

The Faculty offers two undergraduate studies: the study of political science and the study of journalism. In addition to these two four-year studies, the Faculty offers a two-year parallel programme in journalism studies. There are also four two-year postgraduate studies. Graduate studies currently offered are: International relations, Comparative politics, European studies and Croatian politics. The Faculty can award PhD degrees in political science.

The Faculty has a research library that covers political science and communication science. The library holdings are more than 50,000 books and a substantial collection of scientific and specialized domestic and foreign journals. There is also a special journalism library and reading-room of the International Freedom Forum, with a collection of daily papers from all over the world on CD-ROMs. The students and the teaching staff have a well-equipped computer lab with free internet access.

The Faculty of Political Science has a well-established publishing activity. The scientific journal Politička misao (Political Thought) comes out four times a year plus the special English issue (Croatian Political Science Review). The journal has been published for 33 years and is the best scientific and specialized journal in the field of political science and the related disciplines in Croatia.

The Faculty also publishes a book series called "Biblioteka politička misao". Both the classic works of political science and the works of contemporary foreign and Croatian political scientists have appeared in this respectable edition. Scientific and research work at the Faculty is carried out by a large number of research teams dealing with the topics of political theories, elections and political parties, international political and economic relations, the media and communications, etc.

The Faculty regularly organizes specialized seminars, conferences and public forums in journalism, local administration, elections and political parties. International cooperation is highly developed at all levels: through personal contacts and cooperation (within the International Political Science Association, the Croatian Political Science Association /Hrvatsko politološko društvo/ and within the regional cooperation of Central European political science associations) as well as at the institutional level within CEEPUS, Fulbright, Irex, Humboldt and other programmes. The Faculty of Political Science is a member of the European Consortium for Political Research.