Božo Skoko

PhD Božo Skoko

Božo Skoko is an full professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, where he is head of the Public Relations postgraduate study. His scientific interests are: public relations and communications, international relations, national identity and image, as well as media. He is the co-founder of Millenium promocija, the leading Croatian public relations agency. He is a long-time strategic communications consultant. He is a former journalist and editor with Croatian Television. He is the author of seven books and over seventy scientific papers on public relations, the media and managing the identity and image of Croatia. He is a columnist with the daily newspaper Večernji list.
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Scientific works

Published books

Skoko, Božo (2010): Croatia and its Neighbors - How is Croatia perceived in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia, AGM and Novelti millenium, Zagreb

Skoko, Božo (2009): The Country as a Brand, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb.

Skoko, Božo (2004 and 2005): Croatia – Identity, Image and Promotion, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
Skoko, Božo (2006): Understanding Public Relations, Millenium promocija, Zagreb.
Chapters in books
Kanižaj, Igor; Skoko, Božo (2012.): Media and Public Relations as a Bridge between Patients and Health Care Institutions // Person in Medicine and Healthcare - From Bench to Bedside to Community / Đorđević, Veljko; Braš Marijana; Miličić, Davor (ed.), Medicinska knjiga, Zagreb, pp. 427-436.
Skoko, Božo; Bagić, Dragan (2011.): Pet uvjerenja i 29 razloga protiv – prilog tipologizaciji argumenata protiv članstva Hrvatske u Europskoj uniji [Five beliefs and 29 reasons against - support to the typology of arguments against Croatia’s membership in the European Union] // Hrvatska i Europa – strahovi i nade [Croatia and Europe - Fears and Hopes] / Ivan Šiber (ed.); Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, pp. 47-85

Skoko, Božo (2011): Hrvatska kao brend ili komercijalizacija nacionalnog identiteta [Croatia as a Brand or Commercialisation of National Identity] // Hrvatski identitet / editors: Lukić, Zorislav and Božo Skoko; Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, pp. 65-77.

Skoko, Božo (2011): Mediji i odnosi s javnošću – međusobna potpora ili prijetnja? [Media and Public Relations – Mutual Support or Threat?] // Uvod u medije / editor: Peruško, Zrinjka; Naklada Jesenski i Turk – Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, Zagreb, pp. 315-332.
Skoko,Božo (2011): Moć stereotipa: Srbi o Hrvatima - prije, za vrijeme i nakon sukoba [The Power of Stereotypes: Serbs' Stereotypes about Croats - Before, During and After Conflicts] // Kultura sjećanja 1991. / editor: Cipek, Tihomir; Disput, Zagreb, pp. 93-108.
Skoko, Božo; Jugo, Damir (2009): Odnosi s javnošću za nevladine i neprofitne organizacije [Public relations for non-governmental and non-profit organisations] // Odnosi s javnošću za organizacije civilnoga [Public relations for civil society organisations] / editors: Hajoš, Boris and Skoko, Božo; Croatian Public Relations Association, Zagreb, pp. 7-21.

Skoko, Božo; Bagić, Dragan (2007): Imidž Vukovara u hrvatskoj javnosti – 15 godina nakon stradanja [Image of Vukovar in the Croatian Public – 15 years after the destruction] // Vukovar – hrvatska baština i perspektive razvoja [Vukovar – Croatian heritage and perspectives of development], editors: Živić Dražen and Žebec Ivana; Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Vukovar-Zagreb, pp. 167-180.

Skoko, Božo (2004): Kako očuvati hrvatski identitet, učiniti ga prepoznatljivim, privlačnim i profitabilnim u svijetu? [How to preserve the Croatian identity and make it recognizable, attractive and profitable in the world?] // Chapter in the book: Globalizacija i identitet [Globalization and identity], editors: Tuđman Miroslav, Bekavac Ivan, Association for Promoting Croatian Identity and Prosperity (UHIP), Zagreb, pp. 45-63.

Skoko, Božo; Jurilj, Danijel (2011): Uloga vladinih komunikacijskih strategija i kampanja u procesu pristupanja Europskoj uniji – iskustva Češke, Poljske, Slovenije i Hrvatske [Role of the Governement's Communication Strategies and Campaigns Aimed at Accession to the European Union - Experiences of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia] // Politička misao. 48 (2011),1; 215-232. (review work,scientific article)
Igor, Kanižaj; Skoko, Božo (2010.): Mitovi i istine o novinarskoj profesiji – imidž novinara u hrvatskoj javnosti [Myths and Truths of Journalism as a Profession – The Image of Journalists in The Croatian Public] //Medijske studije, vol. 1. br. 1-2, 20-39, (scientific article)
Skoko, Božo; Benković, Vanesa (2009.): Znanstvena metoda fokus grupa – mogućnosti i načini primjene [Scientific method of focus groups - possibilities and ways of application] // Politička misao, vol. 46., br. 3, (scientific article, review work).
Skoko, Božo; Kovačić, Vinko (2009.): Koncept meke moći država i njegova primjena na Republiku Hrvatsku [Concept of the Soft Power and its application on Republic of Croatia] // Polemos, vol. XII, 1 (23), 29-49 (scientific article, review work).
Skoko, Božo (2008): Primerjalna analiza medijskega poročanja o Hrvaški v Sloveniji in drugih državah nekdanje Jugoslavije [Comparable analysis of media reporting about Croatia in Slovenia and other countries of the former Yugoslavia] // Toerija in praksa [Theory in practice], XLV, 6, 817-829 (scientific article).
Skoko, Božo; Vukasović, Igor (2008): Organiziranje međunarodnih sportskih događaja kao promotivni i ekonomski alat države [Organising international sporting events as promotional and economic state tools], Tržište [Market], XX, 211-230 (scientific article, review work).

Skoko, Božo; Bajs, Denis (2007): Objavljivanje neistina i manipuliranje činjenicama u hrvatskim medijima i mogućnosti zaštite privatnosti, časti i ugleda [Publishing of untruths and manipulating the facts in the Croatian media and possibilities of protection of privacy, honour and reputation] // Politička misao, 44, 1, pp. 93-116 (previouspreg announcement, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2007): Medzi juhuslovanskou minulost'ou a európskou budúcnost'ou [Between the Yugoslav history and European future] // Forum scientiae et sapientiae, XIV, 2, pp. 6-11 (article, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2006): Percepcija Europske unije u hrvatskoj javnosti [Perception of the European Union in the Croatian Public // Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva [Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association], III, 1, pp. 349-368 (previous announcement, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo; Jurčević, Marinko; Madunić, Perica (2006): Marketing Concept in the Function of Croatian Seaport Business Operation Improvement // Promet-Traffic & Transportation, 18, 3, pp. 165-172 (previous announcement, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2005): Uloga televizijskih sučeljavanja u predizbornoj kampanji za predsjedničke izbore - hrvatska iskustva 2005. [Role of TV debate presidential campaigns – Croatia’s case of 2005] // Politička misao, XLII, 1, pp. 61-83 (article, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2005): Role of TV debate presidential campaigns: Croatia’s case of 2005 // Politička misao, 42, 5, pp. 97-117 (article, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2004): Propaganda i odnosi s javnošću kao sredstva utjecanja država u međunarodnim odnosima [Propaganda and public relations as a tool of state influence in international relations] // Međunarodne studije [International studies], Vol. 4, 2, pp. 77-96 (article, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2004): Odnosi s javnošću kao doprinos demokratizaciji i profesionalizaciji procesa javnoga komuniciranja [Public relations as a contribution to the democratisation and professionalization of the process of public communication] // Politička misao, Vol. 41, 1, pp. 92-101 (congress announcement, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2003): Image Hrvatske iz perspektive inozemnih diplomata akreditiranih u Hrvatskoj [The Croatian image from the perspective of foreign diplomats accredited in Croatia] // Međunarodne studije [International studies], Vol. 3, 2, pp. 99-111 (review work, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2004): Kvantitativni i kvalitativni dosezi odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj 2003. [Quantitative and qualitative reach of public relations in Croatia] // Medijska istraživanja [Media researches], Vol. 10, 1, pp. 67-83 (expert work).

Skoko, Božo; Jurčević, Marinko; Antonela, Magzan (2003): The development of traffic and tourism in Croatia as an incentive to join the European Union // Promet-Traffic-Traffico, Vol. 15. sup. 1, Portorož-Trieste-Zagreb, pp. 48-57 (congress announcement, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo; Jurčević, Marinko; Brnjac, Nikolina (2003): Importance of Promotion in the Development of Railway Traffic in Croatia // Promet-Traffic-Traffico, Vol. 15. sup. 1, Portorož-Trieste-Zagreb, pp. 147-154 (article, scientific work).

Works in almanacs of gatherings with international review
Skoko, Božo (2009.): The power of country image in modern international relations: The Image of Croatia // Yearbook Šipan 2009 / Čehulić Vukadinović, Lidija (editor), Zagreb, pp. 127-134.

Skoko, Božo; Badanjak, Dragan; Brnjac, Nikolina (2004): Crisis Communication Management in Croatian Railways Regarding Tourist Development in Croatia // Risk and Crisis Management in Tourism / Aktas, Ahmet (editor), Antalya, pp. 93-98 (scientific work).

Skoko, Božo; Badanjak, Dragan; Brnjac, Nikolina (2003): Traffic portal in the development and promotion of the Croatian railways // Annals of DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium / B. Katalinic (ur.), DAAAM International, Vienna, pp. 017-018 (scientific work).

Other works published in the almanacs of gatherings
Skoko, Bozo; Petrovic, Mario; Jugo, Damir (2010.): Imidž Hercegovine kao turističke destinacije iz perspektive posjetitelja iz Hrvatske – predrasude i osobna iskustva [Image of Herzegovina as a tourist destination from the perspective of visitors from Croatia - prejudices and personal experience] // Zbornik radova Hrvatski kongres o ruralnom turizmu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem [Almanac of the works from the Croatian congress on rural tourism with international participation] / Dijana Katica (editor), Hrvatski farmer, Zagreb, pp. 233-238 (presentation at the conference, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo; Jugo, Damir (2007): Uloga odnosa s javnošću u razvoju seoskog turizma [Role of public relations in the development of rural tourism] // Perspektive razvoja ruralnog turizma [Perspectives of rural tourism development] / Baćac, Robert (editor), Hrvatski farmer, Zagreb, pp. 387-401 (presentation, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo (2006): Važnost nacionalnih simbola u razumijevanju hrvatskog identiteta i promociji zemlje [The importance of national symbols in the understanding the Croatian identity and promotion of the country] // Povijesno naslijeđe i nacionalni identiteti [Historical heritage and national identity] / Marijana Marinović (editor), Zavod za školstvo Republike Hrvatske [Bureau of Education of the Republic of Croatia], Zagreb, pp. 145-157 (lecture, scientific work).

Skoko, Božo; Čerepinko, Darijo (2004): Međuovisnost izbornog uspjeha i vizualnog identiteta vanjskog oglašavanja hrvatskih političkih stranaka u predizbornoj kampanji za hrvatske parlamentarne izbore 2003. [Inter dependence of election success and visual identity in external advertising of Croatian political parties in the 2003 Parliamentary Elections] // Zbornik radova [Almanac of works] / 8. savjetovanje tiskarstva, dizajna i grafičkih komunikacija [8th consulting on print, design and graphical communications], Blaž Baromić; Bolanča, Zdenka; Mikota, Miroslav (editor); Graphics Faculty, University of Zagreb; Senj Branch of Matrix Croatica, Zagreb, pp. 47-52 (original scientific work).